Aaron and Vincent at the zoo

Aaron and the rest @ museum

Papa D and Tia

Grandma Trenna (GG)

TK and Mom

Sam, CJ, Brenden and Logan pretending to be
insane prisoners at the museum

Dad without his mustache *Crazy weird*

Corby the cutie


the girls after the wedding ceremony

One of the sweetest oranges ever!

This Christmas was the best I've had in a while. We went to Arizona. Hurray! There were 17 of us staying at my Moms house and it was great. 9 of those people were children 8 yrs old and younger. We flew in the night of the 22nd. The plane ride went well. The only slight problem was the airline had all 7 of us sitting in different rows. That was not going to work with so many little ones so they had us come on the plane last and then announced over the intercom how many kids we had and asked for volunteers to move around so the kids could sit next to us. A few nice people moved and it all worked out. We had a lot of fun and stayed up way too late every night playing games and talking. Everyone except Autie's family got sick with a 24 hour bug. Pukes and dukes all around! Everyone included my brother and his son, Corby and wife, Ashley and my Mom's husband to be, TK. We got to spend sometime getting to know our new step siblings. We went to the Phoenix Zoo (where most the kids got to ride a camel) and the Museum of Natural History (where we saw dinos and rocks and such and we got to pan for gold, fools of course). Ate really yummy and huge oranges straight off the tree. We even got to spend a few short hours with my Dad. He was on his way from Montana to New Mexico and we were all glad to spend a little bit of time with him. We got a good chuckle looking at my Dad without his mustache. He has only shaved it off a few times since I can remeber so it is quite a difference. Chris and Nate met up with Todd at the Golf Course he works at and played some golf. Our last day there, Dec. 31st, my Mom got married. It was a long day since the ceremony was delayed by 3 or so hours due to my Mom going to the emergency room by ambulance. She got dehydrated when she was sick and she didn't get any better and got really weak. So she had to get IV fluids on her wedding day. She felt a little better after the fluids but still had to sit in a chair for the ceremony but they got it done. I didn't get any pictures of the actual wedding. I was a little exhausted by that time. We did stay up til midnight but we were so tired and had to get up at 5am to get going to the airport so no jumping in the pool from the roof by the guys this year or setting off any fire works or pot banging. Maybe next year! I was so sad to leave my siblings and Mom and the mostly sunny skies but it was nice to be back in our own space once again. Oh and Sophia got her hair cut while we were there. She mostly refuses to let me do anything with it so I figured she and I were better off it was shorter so it didn't look quite so messy all the time.