Sophia is such a sweet, smart, helpful, funny and loving girl. She loves to help out with whatever I ask her to do, most of the time. She loves to look at books with her younger brothers and sister and tell them stories. Many a time I have over heard her helping them with counting and colors and the alphabet. She is a mini mama! She is very independent and likes to learn things on her own and when she has figured out most of it herself than she will ask Chris and I for some help. Our family is so blessed to have her.
The cake I made on her birthday was a recipe from a magazine and I did not notice that it was a healthier cake. Chris and I noticed when we ate it but the kids did not seem to complain!
Kiana eating cake with her runny nose, Gross!
We lucked out the day of her party and got really nice weather for January. We spent the time eating pizza, opening presents, playing outside, jumping on the trampoline, playing games, eating cake and ice cream, blowing bubbles and going on a hunt for the goody bags.
Everyone getting ready to play a game, except
Gus, Kiana and little Melissa
Turner and Sam were having fun with the
dress up stuff
Sophia and cousin Alaysha