Kiana was blessed on September 28th. Her Dad blessed her of course and he was joined by his Dad(Gary), Uncle Jeff, Uncle Nate and the bishopric. A sister in the ward wrote down what she could catch from the blessing. Thought that was sweet. Never heard of anyone doing that before. I only got a few pictures of her when we got home but better than nothing. She at least got to wear a blessing outfit. Aaron and Vincent were blessed in Christmas pj's. The poor kids!
Her two month check up was September 29th. She was 90th percentile for weight and height. She was 12lbs 12oz and 23 1/2 in. Her Dr. referred us to a physical therapist cause Kiana favors her left side. With her head and her trunk. Always leaning to the left. The physical therapist did an assessment and gave us some stretches and other things to do to try and help her use both sides of her body. We have a check up with the physical therapist this week and will see what she says. One of Chris' brothers is a Chiropractor and he has done some work on her and it really has been helping her alot. She is always way more relaxed and spits up way less after he does his thing. Hopefully she will get more comfortable as she gets older.
Showing off how strong she is
Hard to get her with a happy face!
Kiana with her Aunt Autie