Aaron in the back-Vinnie in front
Aaron and Vincie are two. I can't believe we have all made it thru their first year, let alone two and added another child in that time. We are crazy!! What a crazy and fun two years it has been. Can't imagine how boring our lives would be without these two great kids. Chris and I have had to learn alot and fast. Patience (not that we are always patient) has been improved greatly. Aaron was born 6 min. before Vincent and they were only an ounce different. Their weight and height has always stayed right about the same as the other. Tomorrow is their two year check up so I will give those stats later. They have a lot of similarities but they also have their distinct personalities. They both can get quite an attitude goin on sometimes but Aaron is definitely more fiesty. Let's just say Aaron and I had a stand off for 40 minutes when we were getting Sam from school one day. He wanted to be carried to the car but I was carrying Kiana in her car seat so he refused to walk and it took 40 min. before he walked to the van to go home. He is also a nice boy, who is good at sharing with his siblings and loves to play outside, jump on the trampoline (our little one or the big one in the Oliver's back yard). He loves any kind of ball to play with and makes us smile and laugh all the time. Vincent is pretty easy going and goes with the flow most of the time. He loves animals (any kind) and babies. Playing outside and the trampoline are some of his favorites also. He makes some pretty funny faces. They both love to dress up in Sophia's dress up clothes or our dress up costumes. Right now their most favorite movie is, Spirit. They would watch that movie everyday if we let them. We are so blessed to have them. They got lots of great presents from their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. The best present of all is their big climber and slide. For the winter we are keeping it in the down stairs playroom. They will be able to climb and slide their selves silly all the rainy cold winter long.

about 9 days old(not quite sure but think Aaron is on the left)

today on their new toy(Vincent on the left)

Wow, that looks so fun! Can't wait for the long, rainy, cold, dreary days of winter so I can send all my kids over to play at your house!
I can't believe they are already two! Dealing with two terrible 2's, a fearsome 4, AND a new baby, I don't know how you do it Chanda!! You are amazing!
I always new you had enough strength for it all. Keep up the good work. That slide looks awesome. Sorry I missed the party!!
I can't believe they are two! They look so grown up! I have always told you what an amazing woman you are, and what a fabulous mom you are to your kids. I hope it wasn't raining when you had your stand-off. Have I told you yet that I will take Olympia's rain over Las Vegas scorpions any day of the week! :)
This is so fun that you guys have a blog! Very beautiful family!!
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