@ the park by the mushroom farm

The Oliver and Blume Kids, minus Kiana and Cooper
Vincent, Porter, Hayden, Regan, Aaron, Sam, Landon, Sophia and Turner

Aaron, Vincent, Sam Father's day @Hick's Lake

The many faces of Aaron and Vincent. They were playing by the bushes in the front yard one day so I took some pictures of them goofin around. These boys crack me up! They had been playing with sidewalk chalk so that is why Vincent has some blue in his hair. Aaron is in the blue and Vincent in the green.

Sweet Kiana, hanging out in the front yard

1 comment:
So great to see you are catching up the blog too :) I love to see other action packed kiddos.
We might be moving to West Virginia.... Matt is getting a really good job offer from a company there. Yikes!
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