Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sam's 6th Birthday 6-1-09

SAM TURNED 6, HURRAY!! It was warm out so we had cake on the back porch. Then he opened his gifts. He got a Seahawks hat, a cool big bouncy ball with gold sparkles in the middle and a few other things that I can not remember. He got a Seahawks jersey from his Nana and a fun musical card that all the kids loved. We played in the front yard and the kids had ice cream bars and played and rode bikes and scooters and such. Jeff, Julie, Gabby and Rylee stopped by and hung out for a bit. They gave Sam some bakugon stuff that he liked. We had a nice simple celebration. My favorite kind! A few days after his birthday, Sam went out with his Grandma and Grandpa Blume for dinner and a movie and went shopping. He got to see the movie, UP, and came home with a nintendo DSI.
We are so proud of Sam. He seems to be growing up so fast. He likes to give us a handful of trouble most every day but he also has a big heart and has a lot of great talents. He really enjoys drawing and is pretty creative and good at it. Thanks to his cousin, CJ, he is interested in football and the Seahawks. He and I like to play catch when we can. He has a pretty good arm. He does several chores around the house and does a great job. He is doing really good with his reading and is really liking math.
We love you Sam!

Vincent, Sophia, Sam

Chris(what a face), Kiana


Vincent, Sam, Sophia


Sam's new ball (he sleeps with it most nights, silly boy)



Les said...

Yay! Chanda blogged! :)

Love all the pictures. Hoping Santa gets me a camera because my blog is awfully boring with no pix!!

Chanda said...

Ya, I hear ya. Ours broke on the twins b-day. Poor boys won't have any pictures unless we can get the two we took from the cell phone on the computer. And your blog is not boring, the pictures are nice but your life is interesting all by itself.